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V/MSP Gallery was founded by Olaf Pradhan and Sofie Verbrugghen and is located in Brussels. Rather than following a certain artistic approach or a specific school, the focus is on artistic and technical quality of the works. This also includes their conceptual framework.

The gallery pursues an interdisciplinary approach and although one of the tasks of a gallerist is to monitor current trends and developments in contemporary art, it is the philosophy of the gallery to analyse those developments in a wider historical context. Strong artistic expression should be able to withhold critical analysis and prove itself through the changes of time.

TwelveTwelve Gallery

Founded by Silvia Bakker, twelve twelve is dedicated introducing you to artists with a focus on pioneering, radical, engaged and conceptual art.


D’ Apostrof is een kunstengalerie met een open visie, in een open, wijds landelijk kader, een trefpunt; een draagvlak voor hedendaagse kunstenaars in de brede zin waar zowel beeldend kunstenaars als podiumkunstenaars hun werk kunnen ontwikkelen en tonen, en hun persoonlijke zoektocht met elkaar kunnen delen.

Drawing Center New York

Viewing Program

This site is an archive of The Drawing Center's Viewing Program, a curated registry for emerging artists, begun in 1977.

The Drawing Center Viewing Program is generously supported by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.


Dynamic and unconventional. This describes both Ghent and the Museum of Contemporary Art (S.M.A.K.). Its permanent collection of first-rate Belgian and international works is presented in constant interaction with original and often provocative exhibitions. Keeping a finger on the pulse. But sometimes on the sore points too. You can gently recover from all these impressions in the adjacent Citadel Park.

Salon Blanc

Salon blanc is op een avond in 2007 ontstaan als een onafhankelijk initiatief van Els Wuyts en Yves Velter waarbij een deel van hun woonhuis tijdelijk veranderd wordt in een kleinschalige tentoonstellingsruimte. De duur ervan wordt beperkt tot één moment waardoor het een feestelijk karakter met een particulier accent krijgt. De bedoeling is dat er meermaals korte toonmomenten worden georganiseerd, zonder te verdwijnen in een bepaalde regelmaat. Het is een hedendaagse verwijzing naar de saloncultuur van weleer waarbij er een gelegenheid wordt gecreëerd om bij te praten, uit te wisselen, te tonen en te kijken.

Ricou Gallery

Opened in 2009, Ricou Gallery closed in September 2014

Rasche Ripken Berlin

Die Galerie RASCHE RIPKEN BERLIN versteht sich als Ort zur Präsentation und Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Kunst und vertritt eine Reihe herausragender künstlerischer Positionen in den Gattungen Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie, Zeichnung, Video und Installation. In der jetzigen Form wurde sie im Frühjahr 2008 von Karin Ripken und Stefan Rasche in Berlin gegründet.

Hervorgegangen ist RASCHE RIPKEN BERLIN aus der Galerie Stefan Rasche, die von 1991 bis 2007 in Münster ansässig war. Zahlreiche Künstlerinnen und Künstler der Galerie gehören seither zum künstlerischen Programm und wurden mehrfach in Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen sowie im Rahmen kuratorischer Projekte auch an anderen Orten vorgestellt.

Regelmäßige Teilnahmen an Kunstmessen sowie die Veröffentlichung von Künstlerkatalogen ergänzen die Galerietätigkeit.


Loods 12

Loods12 is an exhibition space in Wetteren, BE

Galerie EL

galerie EL werd opgericht in 2003 en brengt hedendaagse kunst zonder voorkeur voor stromingen of tendensen. De galerie toont werk van kunstenaars wiens werk blijk geeft van een duidelijke inhoudelijke profilering die op een eerlijke, bewuste en persoonlijke wijze wordt ver-beeld.

Frans Masereel Centrum

Frans Masereel Centre is a place where national and international artists, researchers and graphic designers reside, meet and experiment.

DMW Art Space

DMW Art Space is a project space in Antwerp that focuses on the role of the artistic dialogue in the exhibition process. The annual programme is based on a series of duo exhibitions headed by artists whose works are previewed in a group show at the beginning of the year.

M Museum Leuven

M is a museum and visual arts platform for and by people, which makes meaningful connections throughout time, with society and between artistic disciplines.


POPPOSITIONS was established in 2011 as a counterpoint to mainstream art fairs, and has grown into Brussels' leading alternative market for contemporary art. There are no white booths to be found here. Instead, POPPOSITIONS presents emerging talent in a site-specific context, occupying a different space each year.

TVF - Art Documentation on video

TREKANTEN VIDEO FORMIDLING (TVF) is a video production company, since 1980, creating and archiving documentation of various aspects of art. These include: Visual art, performance art, theatre, dance, experimental music and sound works, installations, exhibitions, festivals, lectures and seminars on aspects of art. Also interviews with artists, musicians, filmmakers, video artists, etc.


CROXHAPOX is an experimental art house and an open working place for contemporary art, situated in Ghent, Belgium. It was created in 1990 by Hans van Heirseele and Guido De Bruyn. Intended as a small non-commercial exhibition room, CROXHAPOX evolved through the years towards a multidisciplinary entity with a particular vision on content and a diversified exhibition policy. Today, CROXHAPOX receives any form of contemporary art and offers a working space for music, film, poetry and art criticism. In doing so, CROXHAPOX focuses not only on young or less reputed artists but also aimes at throwing some light on the importance of artistic research and content. In this way CROXHAPOX offers a large potential for experimenting.
CROXHAPOX has no commercial activities, nor does it represent any artists, art disciplines or genres, and for this reason is not to be considered a gallery.

Mer Paper Kunsthalle

MER. Paper Kunsthalle is an independent publishing house looking into the book medium as an art medium or as a place for exhibiting art. MER. is an initiative of Studio Luc Derycke.

Vincent van Goghhuis

The Vincent van GoghHuis is a vibrant art centre situated in the birthplace of one of the most famous artists from history. It is not a museum in the classical sense of the word, but it provides for active experiences, for art lovers as well as for tourists. A stimulating presentation on the life and work of Vincent van Gogh is shown to the public. The permanent presentation ‘Vincent van Gogh – The roots of a master’ stands alone, but is also a prelude to the temporary exhibtions. The focus of those exhibitions is put on those artists from the 20th and 21st century who have been and still are inspired by Vincent van Gogh.


Mu.ZEE is the art museum by the sea for Belgian art, with complete openness and accessibility. Mu.ZEE creates an active space for the public and artists where art can be approached in a relaxed, free and creative way.

CIAP Association for Contemporary Art

CIAP is a centre for Contemporary Art, located in Hasselt, BE

Jan Colle Galerij

Een voormalige houtdroogplaats uit de jaren 30 werd verbouwd door architect Johan De Coker tot een galerij voor hedendaagse kunst. Achter de smalle gevel ontpopt zich een indrukwekkend pakhuis.

De architectuur, welke totaal doorluchtend was (windcirculatie nodig om het hout te drogen), werd wind- en regendicht gemaakt met grote plastiek vliezen.

Het gebouw werd door de minimale, hedendaagse ingreep volledig gerespecteerd.

De tentoonstellingen zijn gewijd aan hedendaagse kunst, zonder uitzondering van enige uitdrukkingsvorm.

Villa De Olmen

Huis voor actuele kunst in een historisch kader

Flanders Arts Institute Visual Arts

Flanders Arts Institute is an interface organisation and expertise centre for the arts from Flanders and Brussels. The organisation caters to both national and international professional arts audiences. The organisation is known as Kunstenpunt to national audiences. The institute is the contact point for foreign art professionals in search of information on the visual and performing arts and on music in Flanders. To increase the awareness and visibility of the Flemish arts scene on an international level we stimulate and help develop international collaboration, communication and exchange between artists, art professionals and policy-makers. With this, we are aiming to build sustainable international relations and to encourage and support exchange and cooperation on an international scale.

Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK)

The KASK & Conservatory campuses are located at the epicenter of Ghent. Ghent is very receptive to the international art scene and especially welcoming to students. In addition to being imbedded in this artistically rich environment, the school itself is a cultural actor, organizing exhibitions, concerts, festivals, lectures  and film screenings and co-producing of an international art magazine.

Sint Lucas Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst

Luca School of Arts

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